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Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

This year, a number of awards will be celebrated at the Conference.

As of March 2, 2023, nominations are open for the Michael Harris Bond Award for Early Research Contributions.


Nominations for the KS Yang award are also available.

The Michael Harris Bond Award for Early Research Contributions

2023 Award Nomination Deadline: April 30, 2023

Michael Harris Bond has worked in Asia for five decades, since 1971. To commemorate his many significant contributions to Asian social psychology, a group of his friends and former students have set up an endowment fund with AASP for the Michael Harris Bond Award for Early Research Contributions. One or two awards are given every two years.
Eligibility criteria for the award are as follows:
- The awardee can be of any nationality, but must be based in Asia at least for the last three years.
- She/He must have obtained her/his Ph.D. within eight years from the closing date for the current round of nominations.
- She/He has made significant contributions to Asian social psychology, broadly defined as psychological research on social processes in the Asian context, of a basic and/or applied nature.
- She/He will receive a certificate for the award, as well as the sum of US $1,500 and a waiver of the registration fee to attend the forthcoming biannual conference of AASP, at which she/he will deliver a state-of-the-art lecture. The awardee must attend the conference to receive the award (in-person or virtual).
- The awardee(s) will be invited to write a review that summarizes her/his research contributions and their implications for future research, to be published in the Asian Journal of Social Psychology after being reviewed.

Please see the Call for Nom
inations for more details on how to apply.


2021 Winner: See


Misumi Awards for Best Article Published in the Asian Journal of Social Psychology

2021 Winners: See

The Misumi Award was established jointly by the Japanese Group Dynamics Association and the Asian Association for Social Psychology in honor of Professor Jyuji Misumi, a long time president of JGDA who made great contributions to the development of social psychology in Asia.

The award is given to the author(s) of the article in the Asian Journal of Social Psychology of which contribution to the development of social psychology in Asia is most prominent. One paper is selected for the award each year from the papers published in the previous year's volume of the Asian Journal of Social Psychology. The selection committee consists of three members of the Asian Association for Social Psychology and two members of the Japanese Group Dynamics Association.

The ceremony for granting the Award and the prize of $1,000 will take place during the Conference.

KS Yang Travel Award

Application Deadline: Tuesday (12pm NOON, Hong Kong time), April 4, 2023

2021 winners: See

Professor Kuo-shu Yang is the founder of indigenous Chinese psychology. He has worked his entire career promoting the development of psychology indigenous to Asia, and set up this fund through generous contributions from individuals in Taiwan.

In recognition of the huge range of conditions facing social psychologists across different countries in Asia, Professor Yang established an endowment to enable young scholars in economically developing countries to attend the AASP conference.

Hence, the KS Yang Travel Award is administered by AASP Conference Committee to provide financial assistance for deserving young scholars from developing countries to attend the conference. Applicants of less than 40 years of age from any developing nation are eligible.

Who can apply?

Early career researchers from any developing nation (World Bank low or mid-income economy) who obtained their Ph.D. within 10 years from the date of application submission are eligible.

What is covered?

Two awards will be given in the amount of up to USD$750 reimbursement for travel and accommodation costs for attending AASP2023, and conference registration fee will be waived.

How to apply?

In addition to submitting and receiving an acceptance for an abstract to the conference, KS Yang award applicants should also provide:

  1. A 200-word statement briefly outlining eligibility and need,

  2. a Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing your research and teaching activities,

  3. a full copy of the paper you intend to present at AASP 2023 (2,000-6,000 words), and

  4. a letter of recommendation from a more senior colleague.


The application due date is Tuesday (12pm NOON, Hong Kong time), April 4, 2023. Please use the link below to provide the following information.


Link to Application Form:

  1. Name

  2. Email address

  3. Position (e.g. student, assistant professor)

  4. Academic Affiliation

  5. Country

  6. Please confirm that you received your most recent Ph.D. within 10 years of today’s date. (Yes / No)

  7. In which month and year did you obtain your PhD?

  8. Submission ID of the poster, paper, or symposium that you will be presenting at the conference

  9. Upload 1 file* (word file or PDF) that contains the following:

    1. Name, Position, Affiliation, and Country

    2. 200-word statement briefly stating why you are eligible for the KS Yang Travel Award and why it would be important to help you attend the conference (e.g. any other funding available to you, cost of attendance, importance of attending in-person, etc.)

    3. a CV detailing your research and teaching activities;

    4. a full copy of the paper you intend to present (length: 2000-6000 words); and

    5. a recommendation letter from a more senior colleague.

       *Please use your NAME to name the file, last name first, e.g. e.g. DOE Jane KS Yang App.docx or DOE Jane KS Yang App.pdf

Review Procedure

The EdUHK conference organizing committee’s  Awards Sub-committee will review applications and inform applicants of the outcome by April 15, 2023.


Mutually Exclusive Awards

Please note that if a recipient of the KS Yang Award also receives any other AASP award or travel support (Michael H. Bond Award for Early Research Contributions, or the Travel Support to AASP Summer School students), they will not be eligible for the KS Yang Award.




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